Photo courtesy Cincinnati and Hamilton County Public Library

One of the hardest tasks in library marketing is naming programs and events.

The name of a program can significantly impact attendance. The name must capture attention. It needs to be clear and memorable. And it needs to be discoverable for community members searching online.

In this post, I’ve created a checklist. Under each point on the checklist, I’ll give you an example of how to use AI tools like ChatGPT, CoPilot, Perplexity, and Gemini to check that your library program name meets the criteria.

If you’ve already come up with a name, you can check your choice against each of these considerations. If you’re beginning from nothing and have no clue what to name your program, use this checklist to find the best name and drive lots of attendance!

Checklist for Naming Your Library Program


The name of your library program should accurately reflect the program’s or event’s content and purpose. It should give attendees a clear idea of what to expect.


I asked Google’s Gemini: “I am putting together an early literacy library program. In this program, babies and caregivers can read books together, but the babies are encouraged to move around during the reading time. I want to name the program “Young and Restless”. Is that a relevant program name?”

Gemini’s answer

“Young and Restless” might not be the best fit for an early literacy program.

“Young and Restless” is the title of a soap opera, and the connotation leans more towards drama and adult themes. It doesn’t immediately convey the idea of early literacy. While “restless” could be seen as a playful reference to a baby’s energy, it might also suggest a negative connotation of being unable to focus.

Here are some alternative program names that better capture the essence of your program:

  • “Wiggle While We Read”
  • “Rhyme Time & Playtime”
  • “Storytime on the Move”
  • “Littlest Learners & Lively Laps”
  • “Bookworms in Motion”


The name must attract your target audience. Consider that people often scroll online and when they read print. Your library program name must stand out from other programs or events in your community.


I asked Perplexity: “I am putting together a library program where crocheters of all skill levels can come to work on their projects, give help to others, and get help building their skills. I want to call it Hooked on Crochet. Does that program name have enough appeal to capture attention?”

Perplexity’s answer

The name “Hooked on Crochet” for your library program has several appealing qualities that could help capture attention:


  • The name plays on the double meaning of the word “hooked,” referring both to the crochet hook used in the craft and the idea of being enthusiastically engaged or “hooked” on crocheting.
  • The alliteration and rhyming nature of the name make it catchy and easy to remember, which is essential for a program name to stand out.
  • By not specifying skill levels in the name, it implies that the program is open to crocheters of all abilities, from beginners to experts.
  • The word “hooked” has a positive connotation, suggesting a passionate interest or enjoyment in crocheting, which could resonate with enthusiasts of the craft.

Potential Cons

  • While wordplay can be effective, some may find the “hooked” pun a bit overused or clichéd in the context of crocheting.
  • The name may be too specific to crochet and could potentially exclude other fiber arts or crafts that you might want to incorporate in the future.


The name should be easy to understand and remember. You’ll want to avoid complex, obscure, or cutesy names that might confuse people.


I asked ChatGPT: “I am organizing a library program where people can bring a plant to swap and learn about composting, and sustainable gardening. There will also be crafts and games. This program is for all ages. Can you help me come up with a name that clearly states what will happen at my program?”   

ChatGPT’s answer

That sounds like a fantastic and engaging program! For a name that captures the essence of your event while being concise and appealing, consider the following options:

  1. “Sustainable Garden Swap & Fun Day”
  2. “Green Thumb Plant Swap and Activities”
  3. “Eco-Friendly Garden Day”
  4. “Plant Swap and Garden Fun”
  5. “Sustainable Gardening Fair”


The name should be short and concise. Long names can be difficult to remember and may be difficult to fit on your marketing materials.


I asked ChatGPT: “I am putting together a library program at an academic library. The program will be interactive and will help students to better understand the databases and research resources available to them at the library. I want to call the program Interactive Workshop on the Integration of Research and Retrieval Skills, but my manager thinks that name is too long. Is it too long?”

ChatGPT’s answer

Yes, “Interactive Workshop on the Integration of Research and Retrieval Skills” is quite long for a program name. It might be better to shorten it to make it more concise and easier for students to remember. Here are a few shorter alternatives:

  • “Research Skills Workshop”
  • “Interactive Research and Retrieval Workshop”
  • “Library Research Skills Workshop”
  • “Research Resources Workshop”
  • “Effective Research Techniques Workshop”


The name of your library program must not exclude any potential participants.


I came up with a name for a technology program called “Advanced Technological Workshop for Digital Natives.” I asked ChatGPT to evaluate the accessibility of the name.

ChatGPT’s answer

“Advanced Technological Workshop for Digital Natives.” is an inaccessible library program name for several reasons.

Community members might interpret the term “Digital Natives” to mean only younger people who they assume are highly proficient with technology. This excludes older adults or those without regular access to technology. It’s also a very obscure term. Did these people live in the digital world?? 

The term “Advanced” might also deter people who do not consider themselves advanced in technology from attending, even if they are interested in learning more about it!

And the whole tone of the name is very formal, academic, and intimidating.


Many of your community members are looking for help online. You want your program name to come up in search! So be sure to include keywords that people might use in search.


I asked Copilot: “I have a library program named “Opera Appreciation.” Are there any keywords or phrases that I need to add to the program name or description to make this more discoverable in search?”

Copilot’s answer

Certainly! To make your “Opera Appreciation” program more discoverable, consider incorporating relevant keywords and phrases in the program name or description. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Opera: This will directly associate your program with the art form.
  2. Music Appreciation: This can help convey the educational aspect and attract those interested in learning about this genre.
  3. Classical Music: Opera is a subset of classical music, so including “classical music” in your program’s description can broaden its reach.
  4. Arias: Highlight that your program explores opera arias—the beautiful solo pieces performed by singers. Mentioning “arias” can attract opera enthusiasts.
  5. Composer Names: Incorporate the names of renowned opera composers.

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